Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hanging out with other retired people

I haven't spent much of my time so far with other retired people.  This is mostly because I don't really know many of them -- not many of my peers, especially my local peers, are retired.  Mr. R-T and I bicycle with two couples most weekends, where the male partner of each is retired.  This past week one of them suggested that he and I do a bike ride together during the week.

Let me tell you, hanging out with the seriously retired is hard work!  My biking buddy has been retired for several years and regularly goes on 40+ mile bike rides with serious hills.  He took me on one of his regular routes at a "social pace", and I was exhausted when I got back home (but I did keep up, even on the hills).  I think my cyclometer may have clocked its fastest time ever for a route over 20 miles, and certainly the fastest time I have ever done hills of that steepness.  We are going to do it again, and maybe in another six months I will be good enough to be able to label myself a "retired cyclist".

Are there merit badges for retired people who learn new skills?  I want some sort of credit for this hard work.

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