Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The strawberry house

It's strawberry season here.  The strawberries are better than what I get at home in California, but it might be that I am comparing supermarket strawberries to these ¨small vendor¨ strawberries.  Here is the strawberry house about 100 yards from my apartment:

These show up in parking lots by the side of the road, on just about every side road I have travelled on so far.  This is at the beginning of the hiking trails near me.  There is also a ¨Spargel Haus¨ (for asparagus -- exclusively white asparagus, which the Germans love and which does nothing for me) at most of these sites, but it wasn't interesting/cute enough to photograph.  I notice more people buying strawberries than asparagus, so maybe Germans agree with me.

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