Thursday, October 13, 2016

Exercising in a New Environment

Since we travelled to Germany I haven't gotten a chance to exercise at all.  And it's making me cranky. Mostly when I am here I go walking in the nearby woods, and I planned (still plan) to do that on this trip.  It hasn't rained, so that's not my excuse.  But my days have been so full of errand running and German lessons/homework that there hasn't been time for real exercise (hopefully, my Pilates teacher isn't reading this :-) I have gotten my 10,000 steps a day in, as my fitbit buddies know, sometimes even more than 20,000 steps; I do a lot of walking to handle my daily shopping or even just traipsing up and down our hallway to deal with the stupid dryer, but none of that is with an elevated heart rate.  Our bike trip next week will change that, assuming I haven't lost so much muscle strength to be able to handle the hills.  And then back to the quiet life here; maybe things will be settled enough that I can get my hiking in during our final 10 days.  This feels abnormal to me, but, believe me, "the days are just full" getting the practicalities of life taken care of.

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